Yilan Luo
Yilan is a graduating industrial design student who is aiming to design creative, eco-friendly, and functional/feasible products. Yilan is particularly interested in eco-friendly and sustainable design that can reduce the user's carbon footprint. With background in business, Yilan's projects will also take into consideration the business aspect of the product.
This is a paper exploration project with the focus on making environmental friendly product. The project is trying to explore the possibility of using paper in daily life objects that would normally not consider paper as its base material.
The PIY set is a self-assembled desktop set that made with paper material only. It includes a table light and an organizer unit. PIY stand for "paper it yourself, place it yourself".
Title: The PIY Set
Dimensions: 14 x 7 , 7.5 x 7 in.
Year: 2023
Materials: washi paper & matboard
Title: The PIY Set
Dimensions: 14 x 7 , 7.5 x 7 in.
Year: 2023
Materials: washi paper & matboard
Title: The PIY Set
Dimensions: 14 x 7 , 7.5 x 7 in.
Year: 2023
Materials: washi paper & matboard
Title: The PIY Set
Dimensions: 14 x 7 , 7.5 x 7 in.
Year: 2023
Materials: washi paper & matboard