Heather Soupault Davidson
Heather Davidson is a Canadian ceramic artist, based in Ontario. Using personal imagery and colour, Heather hand builds playful sculptures that highlight mundane imagery. Ceramics found its way to her through an intro class at Sheridan College and quickly became a main source of output. Its ability to be reclaimed and then become permanent after being fired provides a duality that allows one to be able to document and grow with the clay. Having spent most her life experimenting with different creative outlets such as drawing, painting, she has found a home in ceramics.
In contrast to the anthropocentric views of my Christian upbringing. I place humans and animals as equals characters. Altering our existing interactions. I use scale to rearrange hierarchy among the characters. By having animals and humans embrace, I am creating an equal playing field of interchanging roles that can then be composed into stories.
With animals and humans, the stories that are created can be as simple as the shared unfolding of quotidian life. Finding food, shelter, migration, play, ect. Daily mundane interactions are elevated and animated by the stylized bright colours, stylized renderings, and proportions.
Title: Held High
Dimensions: 16 x 12 x 11 in.
Year: 2023
Materials: Earthenware, glaze
Title: Harvesting Rain
Dimensions: 8 x 7 x 5 in.
Year: 2024
Materials: Earthenware, Terra sigillata
Title: FishFull
Dimensions: 12 x 11.5 x 11.5 in.
Year: 2024
Materials: Earthenware, Terra sigillata
Title: Fool
Dimensions: 7 x 6 x 3 in.
Year: 2023
Materials: Earthenware, glaze